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Contact us

The quickest, most direct way of asking a question is to ring our main coordinator
Natalie: 0406934645
OR, Leave us a message below!
Scroll down to find our location map, opening hours, email address and phone contacts.


Location of the Newcastle Birth Movement

Willows Functions Centre (Uniting Church Owned)342 Hillsborough RoadWARNERS BAY, 2282Australia

342 Hillsborough Road
Post Code:

Currently re-locating to this new venue, grand opening day is Tuesday October 8th, 2024.

21 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton New South Wales 2302, Australia


Newcastle Birth Movement

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“I was so thrilled to discover and be able to attend these birth meetings during my pregnancies! I loved connecting with the community, sharing stories, gaining insightful information and feeling empowered in my choices around pregnancy and birth. The friendships I made were strong and they continue to flourish to this day”.

Rachel Prest, 'Raid My Wardrobe' Business Owner - Newcastle, NSW
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“Relaxed meetings with great facilitation which makes everyone attending feel welcome and supported, including partners. In the meetings I’ve been to, the discussions have been informative and positive. Mothers and partners can share their experiences with the group if they like, and others can benefit”.

Robert Dawson, A New Dad - Newcastle, NSW
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"As a first time mum, I was so glad to have been supported by the welcoming women at the Newcastle Birth Movement throughout my pregnancy, birth and as I navigated motherhood. They offered support, connection and knowledge in a safe and nurturing environment".

Katie Ranclaud - Newcastle, NSW

Ready to start super-boosting
the positivity of your birth?

Let's chat today!